People just like you are tired of tightening their belt and want a financial break to earn more money and gain their prosperity back again. There is a man in central Pennsylvania through several years of hard work and most importantly hard thought has created a steering mechanism for your future. He’s a fortune 500 specialist and he’s spent his career managing very large organizations that were struggling with the “nouns of business” people, places and things.
He always worked at least twelve hours a day but he spent his precious days and nights during the weekends planning his own small business fortune. Over the many years of his fortune 500 management career he had traveled the United States from coast to coast and already enjoyed the wonderful family, large home, new cars and money in the bank but, he also knew many a good man was struggling to survive the grinding on the great American recession.
He could never resist working late and experimenting with the modern tools of management, process controls, finance, marketing and sales and human resources. It remained only as a test business plan because he didn’t have all the parts together just yet and there was still a lot of testing to be done once he completed his small business prototype. He knew his idea would put the fire in the money stove for thousands of want-to-be small business owners but he needed a strong spark of new thoughts and energy. His wife knew that he was completely absorbed in his work and was always dripping with ideas to help his fortune 500 employers and clients so working late into the night was nothing new.
When he did go to bed he didn’t really sleep too long because he wanted to keep working on his business planning even when he was too tired to think. He would change his mind and start over and then he would finish a small business plan and then throw it away. He would wait a minute and then start again because he would change his mind again.
His wife stood and watched him open the letter he received in the mail several years ago even as the light snow was falling on the frozen ground and the sidewalks that would need to be shoveled before too long. His voice was shaky with excitement as he read the letter out loud that would become the actual free market proof that his theories didn’t waste time it created cash profits for his very first business blueprint customer. Slowly and carefully he read the letter again because it was from his first customer and also contained a check made out to NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company in the amount of $1,500. The check amount seemed to jump out at him because it meant a real person, a stranger, believed enough in the NDITC small business plan to fill out the order form, issue a fifteen hundred dollar check and mail it to Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania.
In his mind it wasn’t about the money and he steadily handed to his wife the check for $1,500 as she would be making the first bank deposit for the New Deal Ink and Toner Company. He described his feelings about his first paid customer as a flower pot that was revealing the very first glimpse of a new healthy plant. He described the future of the company as a straight line fence that stretched for miles and with tens of thousands of flower pots holding and protecting the sprouting new money-making businesses that he would help create. His wife anxiously tried to keep pace with his vision even as he moved widely from side to side trying his best to describe the NDITC future and the fortunate future of their clients. The snow covered sidewalks would have to wait because of the rattling of new ideas and dreams that would be brought to the North American market in jerks and jumps one little idea at a time.
She hurried to make some coffee because gallantly he would work all weekend and there was nothing she could do to stop him even if she wanted help with the sidewalks. His thoughts took him from building his own inkjet and toner printer cartridge factory or just trying to get enough capital to open a national chain store operation. He was interested in everything that jumped into his mind but he had to be very careful not to skip around and stay with the original business idea.
He didn’t have a lot of time because he was still fully engaged with a fortune 500 company and he had to be concerned with their problems and opportunities. Having accomplished something for his own company NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company his spare time efforts were still focused to accomplish more and more.
Apparently his wife asked him how he was getting along at work as she handed him, as routine would have it, his daily portion of home mail delivered by the post office. She laughed at him as he accepted a pile of mail, mostly of white business envelopes, and all addressed to the New Deal Ink and Toner Company and watched his enjoyment. With NDITC business plan improvements being authored into the inkjet and laser toner small business plans she laughed at him a little more as he started to open his home business mail. He remarked quietly that every one of the envelopes except one contained an order form and a check made payable to NDITC in various amounts for the various plans offered. In amazement he sat in his living room chair with the order forms and checks in his hands and with little reluctance announced that he was going to quit his job at his fortune 500 employer as their Learning, Performance and Development Specialist.
His little NDITC business machine was running and creating customers and income and he would have to learn how to steer his business into prosperity. Incidentally it was an odd moment because his wife remarked quietly that he should stay with his job to improve and grow his own business idea with the money he earned from his conventional salary. She didn’t know if she was prepared and maybe she wasn’t really convinced that her husband, with 29 years of executive experiences, could create his own national business. He spent several weeks hesitating just a little between the two conclusions. Stay with his current employer with all security that it created or take the chance of change and operate his own money making business?
He decided to take the big chance on himself. He didn’t stumble into this NDITC plan as he spent years researching the market, the manufacturing base, the supply chain retailers and all the financial statements to learn and understand the actual inkjet and toner printer cartridge market. He had learned so much and worked so hard and he knew that giant global manufacturing companies like Apple, Brother, Canon, Dell, Epson, HP Hewlett Packard, Kyocera, Lexmark, Minolta, Okidata, Panasonic, Pitney Bowes, Ricoh, Samsung, Sharp, Toshiba, Xerox, Konica, Lanier, Mita, I.B.M., Olivetti, N.C.R., Fujitsu and hundreds more hire Madison Avenue advertising agencies to tout their supply chain partners like Staples, Apple, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Target, Office Max, Sears, Ross Stores, T J Max, Best Buy, K-Mart, Radio Shack and even Payless Shoes so you’ll forget or never find out that their marmalade of sales and profits are based on communist slave-type labor in countries like communist China and communist Vietnam.
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