He spent thousands of hours researching the treasure he
had found because the secrets of this business segment
were buried deep within corporate giants
like HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Dell, Brother, Sharp, Panasonic and dozens more. His private research turned out to be a white paper entitled “finders keepers” which is proudly displays in his office today.
People, by the tens of thousands, started reading about his findings because he had published in the public domain even though he held intellectual property rights to the treasures of income that lies within neighborhoods all across America.
He wrote pages and pages about the “entombed wealth” in
American neighborhoods but the readers wanted more and
more. People wrote him that the buried treasures of available income must have been a myth and he had to be embellishing the whole story. Over his career he knew that people wouldn’t believe such a story and they would never accept the idea that another person would write openly about great wealth waiting for the taking.
He had found something and he could prove it but the actual profitable dollars that he was writing about was still locked away like in a safety-deposit box. He then resorted to investing his savings into the idea and took it from the written word to actual marketing and sales efforts that would prove his discoveries. He was not a gentleman of leisure as he was still a fortune 500 business manager specialists but his trove of money making ideas had to be put to a real-life test.
His very first effort, for the very first time, he made a sales call on a retail store in a small town right outside of Harrisburg Pa, the capitol city of the state. He explained the simple idea and at first the business owner also found it difficult to believe but carefully explaining the idea made the idea brighter.
The founder of NDITC looked at the photo copier that the business owner used every day and discovered the laser toner printer cartridge number. He asked the retailer how much he had to pay for the toner cartridge and the answer was quick and sure. “Really, I have no idea. My wife buys all the office supplies.” With the HP cartridge number safely written down our founder looked up the wholesale price of the laser toner cartridge for his own information. He then asked the business owner “Can you find out what you pay?” The retailer then called his wife and discovered that he was paying over one hundred dollars for the copier cartridge. Our founder wrote the price information down but made a promise.
“I’ll bring you a brand new cartridge for your copier next week.” “I’m not going to tell you what it cost because I’m going to give it to you free of charge.” Our founder knew that his treasure trove was very real and still lies undisturbed and a fortune was at hand. He shook the hand of the retail store owner and made an appointment for next week.
Once our founder got back to his car he took some quick notes before his next stop. Cartridge cost $27.00. He knew his research and development was a lot more than just business planning now. He was on the street, knocking on doors and meeting real people and would quickly uncover the hoard of cash waiting to be picked up by the bucket full’s.
This great concealment of wealth was truly protected. The giants you’ll learn about like HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Dell and Brother created these photo copiers, printers, fax machines, cash registers and other products on far away distant islands of cheap labor, no environmental protections, no minimum wage laws, no maximum working hours regulations and worst of all no child protection laws. These giant O.E.M.’s Original Equipment Manufacturing companies exploited people and cultures to manufacturer their products expertly but cheaply using slave-type labor. They would create their products off-shore and import these same machines into the United States and offer the American consumer great deals on great machines of technology. Their marketing plan was simple; almost give away a complex business machine like a copier or fax machine and make all their profits by selling cheaply produced inkjet and laser toner printer cartridges for sky-high retail prices. They were raking in billions and billions of gross sales dollars, every month. This was a lot bigger than our founder even knew and it gets bigger every day
This might be the greatest concealment of wealth ever known to the modern world held outside of the views of the average Americans. This considerable money pile has been hidden away for years and the giants of the industry have done everything possible to keep their technology and business planning a buried secret. Their precious business model has been exposed and it’s sad to say that these same companies plan to take billions of dollars out of every household that owns a computer or a computer printer. They plan to take billions more from local business owners, police departments, hospitals and even your local charities.
This great wealth has been authenticated by extensive research. Real numbers are shown to investors by these giant companies every quarter and with expert help the global empires of HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Dell and Brother are revealed for any investor or private citizen to review. Our founder discovered their method of operations, marketing, sales, distribution and customer fulfillment and his searchlight started picking out more and more money making opportunities. With their production and manufacturing being done overseas and their slave-type labor rates hidden from view it took many hard working months to construct the actual framework of their global and North American business plan. Treasure is usually buried and that’s what the giants have done. If you can imagine wooden boxes filled with paperwork and volumes of financial documents these worthwhile discoveries are contained within tens of thousands of pages of complicated documents both foreign and domestic.